About Legacy Moments

What are Legacy Moments?
They are a one-of-a-kind gift for your family. Record your stories – on video – without worrying about the technology or the time it takes to write your book!

Share your stories using questions you select. You’ll talk about:

  • How did you meet your spouse? (At a bowling alley, of course!)
  • What was it like when you moved to Boston? (terrible drivers, awesome accent)
  • What was your favorite college experience? (spring break, hitchhiking through Europe in the 60s)
  • What was your worst trip ever? (traveling with a teething baby, everybody was up all night long)
  • My dad told me years ago what I needed to know to become a man.  Boy, I wish I had his wisdom so I could pass that along to my sons.  Maybe I SHOULD record HIS wisdom for my sons so they can be like their grandfather.
  • Mom was always there for me, especially when I exploded at her during my late teen years.  I still don’t remember what the argument was all about, but in three or four days, things were back to normal.
  • If only I could hear his voice again…
  • If only I could see her smile again…

Legacy moments do last forever.  But only if they’re recorded.

Memories don’t last forever.  Precious moments – and everyday details – will be lost over time.

Think your kids will remember when you ______?  If it’s worth remembering now, it’s worth recording so they won’t forget.

What stories do you want your kids, grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren to know?

Set the record straight.

Share the stories your kids haven’t asked about yet.  

Give your family answers to the questions they never knew they needed to ask.

(PS:  The photo above?  That’s my parents before they got married in the 1930s!)

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