This quote comes from my daughter, Wendy, who has observed me all her life:
“You have always been a great listener and question asker, and people have always opened up to you, your whole life.”
Her quote surprised me but I do agree with her: I enjoy meeting new folks to listen. Everyone has their own unique story. Giving others the opportunity to share their story relaxes them and me as well. (It also means that I do not have to do the talking as I can be somewhat shy in new circumstances.)
My friends, Dick and Barbara, also agree. I interviewed them with pre-selected questions for their legacy video which allowed them to relax during the time we video recorded their legacy.
Here is the short history version of Nancy Olsen with LEGACY MOMENTS LAST FOREVER.
I was born in Chicago. Our parents had five little girls in six years. I was number five, but I am actually 4B as my twin sister is 4A. We were six years old when we moved to the suburbs of Chicago. After high school, I went up north to the University of Wisconsin-Stout in Menomonie. I met my husband there after he completed his time in the military. We married and eventually moved to Clintonville, Wisconsin where we started a family there and raised our two daughters.
I had a custom drapery business while the girls were little. I enjoyed sewing and working with fabric and it was a way to earn some money so I could be home for the girls. The marriage, however, ended after 17 years of marriage. In time I got an office job, but that, too, ended in 1999.
The girls were already grown at this time and there was a lure for me to connect with a Christian ministry organization. The one that attracted my eye was located in the US office outside of Denver, Colorado where I lived for 3 ½ years. After the death of the founder, leadership then made a decision to move to the Atlanta, Georgia area where I lived for eleven years. During this time, I made three different visits to China.
After the ministry position ended, the appeal to move back to cooler temperatures in Wisconsin returned. Milwaukee became my home in 2015 with easy access to visit with family and friends in Wisconsin and Illinois.
Looking back, I can see that computers have always been a tool for projects in work situations. I have enjoyed helping others with their computer skills and still continue to increase my skills. In recent years, I started to get interested in videos after finding out that cell phones have great built in cameras. With some training I was able to video record the legacy of my friends. They re-captured their memories as they reviewed their photos. Then, they allowed me to interview them for the rest of their story.
The success of their legacy videos has given me the desire to birth LEGACY MOMENTS LAST FOREVER to help others record their legacy stories for their families. Family members really do want to know what it was like “way back when…” but can only take a peek IF those stories are recorded.
My name is Nancy Olsen. My goal is simple, to help you record YOUR legacy!